Steeped in Tradition With a Little Luck
Japan as not only one of the world’s largest in-bound tourism market, it also has a rich gift-giving culture associated with it. The tradition of Omiyage—buying local produce and gifts for friends and colleagues when returning from traveling—originated in history from pilgrim trips to temples, but is a widespread tradition in Asia, even if it can go by different names.

Building on tradition, Lipton aimed to capture the tourist market with a new series for both souvenir-seekers and locals who love regional products. We developed “Lucky Amulet Teas,” inspired by omamori—Japanese lucky charms. Each tea bag resembles an omamori, adorned with Japanese-inspired patterns like kimono designs, Mount Fuji, or woodblock waves, complete with a traditional knot.

By leveraging on an existing consumer behaviour, the product became a hit not only for tourists, but for anyone wishing to gift a message of blessing and good luck to loved ones, turning a quintessential English brand, into a beloved Japanese one.